Be happy and stay smiling !

Be happy and stay smiling !

Friday 23 March 2012

Oh noooo!

Love is blind ! 

I can't so easily to fall in love again.. NO!

No no no no no no ! 

Oh my lovely God. Please lead me to a right way. Not the wrong way. 

Stay calm and remind 


Sunday 18 March 2012

I love my friends ! :)

I love to see everyone around me be happy and laugh like krazyy :) 

I use to be funny and play with them.. 

Cause I feel good and warm and care when they're around.. 

Is them erase my loneliness.. Is them make my life become brighter.. 

Is them give me support.. 

Is them help me to know what is right and what is wrong.. 

Without them.. I cant be now de MEE ! :D

I love you babeeeee and brooooother! I would never regret to know you guyss ♥ 


March Holidayyy! ♥

Woohoo! Fun holiday ever!

March holiday start on 10-18th!

Before holiday, at Friday. After school me and my two gf go to my babe house for 

SWIMMING!!! (ノ>▽<。)ノ

That's me with the duckie! And my babe hazzel  ♥

After i back home.. My life become FREEEE ! 



When it's 10th on Saturday!

Me and my KRAZYYY friends met at Jesselton point for making a funny video,

It was sooooooooo awesome btw XD

We do all stuff of sot things.. FUN!!

We loveed it! We use the song of Lady Gaga- Born this way. 

Change to born to wet pi ci XD

here is the video ! 

I know Im ugly there, but who care? 

As long as we're happy right? ◕‿◕。

Then, we go to Fullhouse in Suria together to take lunch. 

Kinda expensive, but i like the PAPAYA JUICE!

That is so nice!! @@

Around 2pm.. Im going to my youth. Until 4pm. 

About 5pm.. My bro came to Asia city fetch me and go for a movie! 

Then we go lintas drink for awhile just back. 

Happy to be with him.. I was in the bad situation that time.. 


11th on Sunday!

Me, Babe hazzel, buibui and my bro go out for taking the moral project picture!

We go to Tnjung Lipat to take photo!

What a dirty place @@

Trash all the wayy.. 

After that we go to Suria for a movie and PIZZA ! 

Around 6pm.. we back. 

Get ready for the night to go to TAWAU for CAMP ! :D


12-15th of Monday to Thursday!

Camping! its fun! and i get to know more friend over there~

And learn more about GOD ! ♥

The situation there is GOOD :D

I loved there! Hope that i got another chance to go there!

When we back to kk.. We go to lahad datu for lunch!

We ate sang nyuk mian XD

Not bad :) then we sing and enjoy in the bus till we reach kk.. 

I was so dizzy that time, the bus keep moving.. 

That is my YOUTH CAMP memorize :)


17th that day on Saturdayy

I out with my old friend for movie and gai gai~

We watch the lorax~

Not bad.. nice cartoon and cute:)


And is 18th!! on Sundayy!!

Out with my babeeeeee ♥

We go kbox.. movie.. and we ate in upperstar!

Its fun and happy.. 

Play whole dayy.. tired uhhh... 

Want early slp.. Tmr school lorr!!! /.\


Thursday 2 February 2012

Two day after bowling~

Bowling competition two dayy~

No need go school nia.. 

First day of bowling is me and my other friend play first.. 

8round from 8:30am to 2pm.

Wow! Its long and tiring!

But fun.. :D 

Luckily those other school de bowler not LCLY.. 


Next day wake up in the morning.. 

Whole body pain dao si.. @@ 

Like cramp alreadyy.. 

Then our turn to sit down and watch them playy give them support. 

Next Tuesday got bowling again! Cant wait XD

Love it ! ♥ 

Monday 30 January 2012

What the hack is happen in my life ?!

I always though that this year will be a better year for me,

but its wrong.. 

Many bad things happen to me since from the start..

All things repeat and repeat and repeat!

After that TERBALIK say is my wrong!


My family problem now already so stress 

Now again your those bad attitude come out

What ' Im just nothing for you all, better eat many panadol and die'????

Are you still kids? Saying such thing like that?

How old are you huh?


I just late reply then u say me like that? Did you see me what am I doing here?

You see dao mie? Why say so? 

This whole day give you say dao like so bad!

Then I know, 原来 im that kinda person in your heart!

My head really want explode le :( 

Do what also cant.. want tell u my heart things.. 

But scare you fa pi qi again, then scold me like last time.

You said'迟早给你气死!'=.=

Your that bad attitude come out again.. 

Im so stress about my family problem already then wn stress your pi qi again..

You know 体谅 and 包容 this mean?


Thursday 24 November 2011

I just feel hard..

I know you love me.. 

I didn't mean to say my ex.. 

They did what should a guy do when they are in his gf house.. 

Its just.. you treat my fam bad.. 

At least they'll respect.. When come in my house..

They'll call my mom, auntie. 

And greet my mom and family..

My brother.. you know right.. 

Their attitude not good.. But you cant treat them rude. 

They are my family.. 

Dont you try to think.. If they hate you.. 

They'll make me feel hard..

No matter how i help you say good things in front of them..

They'll talk non stop..

Just pls.. treat them good and nicely.. 

I know we need our own space too. 

But pls.. let them.. sometimes.. 


就   想下我嘛


I was just feel like. ♥

These dayy 

I dunno why..

I feel like dont wanna dating..

I miss my single life.. 

No stress, no irritation, no worries, no upset or sad.. 

Just happy.. With my family and friends..

Now i feel so annoyed with something in my head.. 

Keep thinking why.. Why like this.. 

When he ask me what im thinking.. 

I dont know how to answer him..

Because i dont even know what IM thinking..



头痛的原因  应该是这样引起的吧?







每次都很怕 你会像上次一样

一直骂我  又不听我说的


你知道我有多讨厌吗 ?! 


爱你一半  恨你一半 


I wish..

This thing wont keep bothering me again..

Im scared I'll lose you..