Be happy and stay smiling !

Be happy and stay smiling !

Thursday 24 November 2011

I just feel hard..

I know you love me.. 

I didn't mean to say my ex.. 

They did what should a guy do when they are in his gf house.. 

Its just.. you treat my fam bad.. 

At least they'll respect.. When come in my house..

They'll call my mom, auntie. 

And greet my mom and family..

My brother.. you know right.. 

Their attitude not good.. But you cant treat them rude. 

They are my family.. 

Dont you try to think.. If they hate you.. 

They'll make me feel hard..

No matter how i help you say good things in front of them..

They'll talk non stop..

Just pls.. treat them good and nicely.. 

I know we need our own space too. 

But pls.. let them.. sometimes.. 


就   想下我嘛


I was just feel like. ♥

These dayy 

I dunno why..

I feel like dont wanna dating..

I miss my single life.. 

No stress, no irritation, no worries, no upset or sad.. 

Just happy.. With my family and friends..

Now i feel so annoyed with something in my head.. 

Keep thinking why.. Why like this.. 

When he ask me what im thinking.. 

I dont know how to answer him..

Because i dont even know what IM thinking..



头痛的原因  应该是这样引起的吧?







每次都很怕 你会像上次一样

一直骂我  又不听我说的


你知道我有多讨厌吗 ?! 


爱你一半  恨你一半 


I wish..

This thing wont keep bothering me again..

Im scared I'll lose you.. 

Monday 21 November 2011

My wishh ~

December is coming ~ 

Wonder what will it be the whole month...

My favorite month ever ♥

My birthday is there too..

 Christmas there too..


I always wish that i can have a lot of surprise and fun with my friends in my birthday.. 

Especially from my dear.. 

But i think he cant ..

When i told him i wanna celebrate him and my friend..

He like dont want or what ..

I just wanna be with my beloved friend and family and him

I din say i dont want him to join 


I hope this year wont be the worst birthday.. 

and Christmas. 

I really so hope that i can have a memorable Birthday and Christmas ♥

Dear God pls. 

Make my wish come true. 

Thursday 17 November 2011

17 Of Nov ♥

Getting Ready To Go 1B !

Ugly lar, macam aunty XD 

walking to kk dabus with my friend to 1b!

the way i go to the bus-stop

there's something bad happen.


Meet up my Siaw and go singk with her~

Then we go

 eat ice-cream at Karamel Amondo ♥

After eating, we go watch TinTin ♥

Had alot fun time with her too ~ :D 

She back home after watching the movie.

Then my mom came and eat at KennyRoger ♥


Luckily I meet my Brenda and Melissa 

They got an extra ticket for Greyson Chance show !

So excited ! 

When i saw him, awww

He's sooo cute ! 

I love him more than Justin Bieber now >< " 

Hahahaha XD

During the show ~ My little brother 'zap' dao rm50 on the floor ! 

He no ticket also can curi2 in dao ! :O 

I bet today is his lucky ~

After that, we all ask him to spend us eat Mcd ice-dream !xD 

When we on our way to Mcd ~

This sohpoh after sot sot thr smiling ~ 

What long dayy in 1B 

hv so much fun there ~

Enjoy ~ 

Happy or Unhappy , 

Also need to smile through the whole day ! 

Hope tomorrow will be my happy day too ! 

End ! ♥ :) 

Monday 14 November 2011

Last night ♥

Last night having dinner with my dear at KFC

We walk from my home

No wonder we can walk so far

But we're having fun together


14 of Nov ♥


Today is Mondayy. 

Go out to Karamunsing find work find dao giok tong.

With my two little brother. 

Find dao many but all i dont like de. 

I know i duo macam. 

But if u dont like the work. You sure du dao not good de mah right?

Find dao one restaurant, but no open

It says 15/11 only open.

So it means tomorrow loo.

I'll go there again and ask !!! 

Must find dao work ar ! 

If not, no money use. 

At home nothing to do. 

Got, but sleep eat and play only. 

I want buy de thing forever jiu buy bu dao le de. 

Hope tomorrow can find dao la. 

Wish me good luck ! 

Today is Movie Valentine eyy. 

Too bad at here de cinema no movie watch.

Lanc ! 

But tonight got plan nia :3 

Go out eat dinner with my dear ~ 

Hope tonight plan no fail la. 

Later he 'fa lan zha' again ! 0.0 

Wish every people a very happy dayy !! 

After dating~ Will be continue XD ♥

Saturday 12 November 2011

Think more about it.

Everyday also the same.
Everyday argue.
Everyday sad. 
Everyday get annoying with the same thing.

Why cant it be everyday happy?
Give me one day no cry, im so satisfied already.
Same horoscope couple is really hard together.
Cause they got the same attitude. 
They'll argue every time. 
With a little small thing also they will get a fight.
Just like me. I know that this is his attitude. 
He just think about his own. But did he think about my feeling?

That's okay. I can get use to it. 
Just like what it says. 
'Do not easily give up, the beginning is always the hardest
So... no matter how our relationship goes wrong.
It always make us more stronger. ♥

Thursday 10 November 2011

My Two Best Sista ! :3

Free time, or after school and night. 
Me. And my two baby girl on skype and talk nonsense.
Having so much fun together when chatting with them.
They calm me.. And erase my loneliness ♥

Memorize, Story ☺

Girls. Have you ever love a guy that already had a girlfriend?
But the guy very close with you and spend all the time with you. 
And had a lot of sweet memorize with him. 
When he make you fall for him. 
At last, he push you away?
This, happen to me. When it comes to October. 

I've got a church friend. That I always hang out with. 
She bring me go everywhere she want to go. And the guy is her kson.
Every weekend she'll ask us go out with her. And the other guy. He the one drive us out.

That time, our friendship become more closer. Until I really fall for him. 
He care me so much. I cant even say it out how the way he care me.
When im sad, he the one who listen to me and calm me. 
He the one who makes me happy every time. 
Someday, he told me that he cant do like this. Cause he got gf. 
I know. So i told him that I'll wait. I won't force him. 

So we continue go out with them. Go to the beach. 
That is the place that i had so much memorize with him.
He hold me. Play with me. Cuddle together. Catch the crab and jellyfish. 

Until one day, we argue. And didn't contact each other one day. 
After school, i check my fb. And he seems like got some problem.
So i text him and ask what happened.
He call me and straightly scold me so suddenly. 
I feel so sad and disappointed. 
He misunderstand me. What i had told him, he dont believe me. 

Since that day, he scold me a bitch. 
And never contact again.
Im still so confuse. Why this thing happen? 
We can't together that's okay. Still can be friend right?
But he treat me like a bitch/enemy. 
Cant together, but the memorize still in my mind. 
My happiest relationship gone just like that. 
I think i wouldn't have this kind of happiness feeling again. 

Wanna have new life ! :D

My life is getting more silent
Not interesting. Not like 以前. 
I wish that i can rewind the time, and change what mistake that I've done. 
Im so regret that why i want to make this decision. 
I shouldn't let the people go when he is the right one.
Im selfish, that's why. 
Im easily lose the people that i truly loved. 
When i think about my past. 
I change. 
Hopefully, i can find a longer relationship. That's all.