Be happy and stay smiling !

Be happy and stay smiling !

Saturday 12 November 2011

Think more about it.

Everyday also the same.
Everyday argue.
Everyday sad. 
Everyday get annoying with the same thing.

Why cant it be everyday happy?
Give me one day no cry, im so satisfied already.
Same horoscope couple is really hard together.
Cause they got the same attitude. 
They'll argue every time. 
With a little small thing also they will get a fight.
Just like me. I know that this is his attitude. 
He just think about his own. But did he think about my feeling?

That's okay. I can get use to it. 
Just like what it says. 
'Do not easily give up, the beginning is always the hardest
So... no matter how our relationship goes wrong.
It always make us more stronger. ♥