Be happy and stay smiling !

Be happy and stay smiling !

Monday 14 November 2011

14 of Nov ♥


Today is Mondayy. 

Go out to Karamunsing find work find dao giok tong.

With my two little brother. 

Find dao many but all i dont like de. 

I know i duo macam. 

But if u dont like the work. You sure du dao not good de mah right?

Find dao one restaurant, but no open

It says 15/11 only open.

So it means tomorrow loo.

I'll go there again and ask !!! 

Must find dao work ar ! 

If not, no money use. 

At home nothing to do. 

Got, but sleep eat and play only. 

I want buy de thing forever jiu buy bu dao le de. 

Hope tomorrow can find dao la. 

Wish me good luck ! 

Today is Movie Valentine eyy. 

Too bad at here de cinema no movie watch.

Lanc ! 

But tonight got plan nia :3 

Go out eat dinner with my dear ~ 

Hope tonight plan no fail la. 

Later he 'fa lan zha' again ! 0.0 

Wish every people a very happy dayy !! 

After dating~ Will be continue XD ♥