Be happy and stay smiling !

Be happy and stay smiling !

Thursday 10 November 2011

Memorize, Story ☺

Girls. Have you ever love a guy that already had a girlfriend?
But the guy very close with you and spend all the time with you. 
And had a lot of sweet memorize with him. 
When he make you fall for him. 
At last, he push you away?
This, happen to me. When it comes to October. 

I've got a church friend. That I always hang out with. 
She bring me go everywhere she want to go. And the guy is her kson.
Every weekend she'll ask us go out with her. And the other guy. He the one drive us out.

That time, our friendship become more closer. Until I really fall for him. 
He care me so much. I cant even say it out how the way he care me.
When im sad, he the one who listen to me and calm me. 
He the one who makes me happy every time. 
Someday, he told me that he cant do like this. Cause he got gf. 
I know. So i told him that I'll wait. I won't force him. 

So we continue go out with them. Go to the beach. 
That is the place that i had so much memorize with him.
He hold me. Play with me. Cuddle together. Catch the crab and jellyfish. 

Until one day, we argue. And didn't contact each other one day. 
After school, i check my fb. And he seems like got some problem.
So i text him and ask what happened.
He call me and straightly scold me so suddenly. 
I feel so sad and disappointed. 
He misunderstand me. What i had told him, he dont believe me. 

Since that day, he scold me a bitch. 
And never contact again.
Im still so confuse. Why this thing happen? 
We can't together that's okay. Still can be friend right?
But he treat me like a bitch/enemy. 
Cant together, but the memorize still in my mind. 
My happiest relationship gone just like that. 
I think i wouldn't have this kind of happiness feeling again. 